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Create podcasts to engage your target audieance.

Here are some reasons why you should use podcasts as an organisation.

Podcasts use an audio file to share information through your device. Businesses use podcasts for a variety of purposes, such as part of a course or training, or replacing video as a cost-effective solution to convey a message. Incorporating podcasts into your Learning & Development strategy, marketing plan, conveying information to your staff i.e. an audio memo, or any other reason, a podcast offers numerous benefits to the organisation and the target audience.


Listen to some of the benefits of using a podcast.


Learning Through Audio


Alternatively, you can read the text



Welcome to this short series of podcasts to illustrate the power, convenience, and effectiveness of using audio to convey your message, whether it’s part of a course, training, informing your staff, or engaging with your clients and customers.


Authoritative Presence

A podcast or audio file provides a format for sharing your expertise. Audio allows you to inject your enthusiasm and speaking skills to add interest to the information that can be lacking in the written word.


Personal Connection

The familiarity and sense of personal connection from hearing a voice can engage your audience. In addition, podcasts and audio are typically more informal than written articles. That informality adds to the sense of connection and engagement. It is a more personal way to reach out to your learners or new potential customers.



Your audience also has more flexibility in how they listen to your audio. As file sizes are considerably smaller than video, it is possible to have them on a device and listen to them repeatedly while performing other tasks like driving, cycling, or walking.


Connection Opportunity

Inviting academics and industry experts to your podcast offers a richer experience for your learners. At the same time, in connecting with those guests, you build and strengthen those important connections, too!


Social Media Content Opportunity

Samples of your audio content can be used as part of your social media marketing campaign or put on YouTube as sample course material. By tagging your guests and encouraging cross-promotion, you will reach new eyes and ears.